The Ups and Downs of Startups on the Startup Podcast

One of my favorite podcasts of the past few years, Startup, has just concluded. So many great lessons on storytelling, founding a company, running a company, selling a company, and so many more. Thank you for sharing with the community how you're getting 1% Better. Get in touch at 917.971.3737.
[00:00:04] Chad: Hey. Chad here. Coming to you over the digital Airwaves on the 1% Better podcast.  Today, I would like to mention a podcast that's coming to an end. I know like it seems like every podcast goes on and on forever, but this particular podcast is definitely binge worthy [00:00:30] and it tells the story of a start-up from start to finish.
[00:00:35] Over the course of five years and about 30 episodes.

[00:00:41]And the best part is that the podcast is about a podcasting company. So you might know the company that it's about I'll give you a hint. It was recently acquired by Spotify. To the tune of two hundred million dollars [00:01:00] and the company was started right here in Brooklyn, New York.  the podcast I'm talking about is of course the Startup podcast by Gimlet Media and the host and founder of the company Alex blumberg does an incredible job over the course of. five years, seven seasons, more than 30 episodes. 

[00:01:28] He shares not only his personal journey [00:01:30] but also the journey he goes on with his co-founder Matt Lieber. How he brings his wife into the company and you know how they go from a dingy office on Flatbush Avenue in Brooklyn all the way through to their exit getting acquired by Spotify.

[00:01:50] And the reason I'm mentioning this podcast is. Yes, it's a podcast about a podcasting company. So if that's a bit too meta for you [00:02:00] I would understand but the intimacy and the details that you get from Alex sharing his story and the story of the company.  Is completely unique in.  in any history or retelling of not only the founding of a company but the exit of a company.

[00:02:24] I can't think you know outside of books and maybe some longer, you [00:02:30] know, in-depth journalism that you might find in like the Atlantic or the New Yorker. I can't think of a story of a start-up so well told from start to finish in the fact that it's told by an excellent Storyteller Alex blumberg. And it's about a storytelling company.
[00:02:53] I think it's just it's too juicy of a concept to ignore in [00:03:00] so I think you know, who is this podcast for? I think it's for anyone that is.  a Founder anyone that is thinking of starting a start-up anyone that has started a startup and maybe struggled and also anyone that's interested in How storytelling?

[00:03:19] And telling your own story can actually change the trajectory of your company. If Alex had not started the startup podcast. He would not have grown the company [00:03:30] as quickly and as well, I think as as he would have if he had not started the podcast.

[00:03:36]I think the trajectory of gimlet would have been completely different had Alex not started the startup podcast to Chronicle his own journey in the company's Journey as it was getting started and growing coming out with new shows and I  think the mere fact that Alex decided to tell the story. Is a huge factor in its success [00:04:00] and so for me, it's a lesson in the power of Storytelling and how just showing up and documenting and sharing and being vulnerable and inviting people into your process can attract not only fans but an audience and even investors potential new hires.

[00:04:20]And and many more things through consistent and good storytelling. I've learned so many things from this podcast as far [00:04:30] as you know, the importance of getting your elevator pitch right to attracting the right kinds of co-founders or you know collaborators on projects and so much more. So you can find the podcast again with or you can search on Spotify or your podcast catchers the episodes to look out for the ones that's a gimlet in the title. The start a podcast not only Chronicles gimlets story but many [00:05:00] many other stories Dating company the founder of American Apparel a startup bus hackathon tour and so many other startup stories. So if you want to just listen to the story of gimlet look for the episodes that have gimlet in the title, I think the entire catalog of shows in the startup feed are worth a listen. So I hope you check it out and I would love to hear your thoughts on the story of gimlet and and its eventual sale. 

[00:05:29] And if you have any other podcasts that you'd like to recommend you can always reach me at 917.971.3737.

[00:05:39]thank you so much to everyone who has reached out and thank you for sharing.
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