The Rise and Dominance of Amazon on the Land of the Giants Podcast

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Hey. Chad here, coming to you over the digital Airwaves on the 1% Better podcast. It will come as no surprise to many of you that I'm an avid podcast listener. I probably have subscribed to a hundred different podcasts and listened to many different ones over the years. 

[00:00:27] I think it's a perfect medium [00:00:30] for learning. It's on demand. It's asynchronous. I can binge it.  There's so many different ones. Across so many different subjects that have been invaluable to me and I would love to share them with you here and learn which ones have been most helpful to you as well.

[00:00:56] You can always text or leave a message at   nine one [00:01:00] seven nine seven one three seven three seven let me know what podcasts are you listening to to get 1% better?  The show I'd like to bring up today is Land of the Giants. It's produced by Vox, They have a number of great podcasts, but this one stood out to me.  Both because of the reporting that Jason Delray the producer and host was able to do and the subject matter.

[00:01:29] It's all [00:01:30] about Amazon not just. About Jeff Bezos or technology behind what goes on inside of Amazon but a very interesting holistic picture that those two cities where houses have been built and left to people that invented Amazon the idea of Amazon Prime. And also third-party sellers that have [00:02:00] gotten onto the platform and maybe been pushed around a bit, bye-bye.

[00:02:04]big weight of of Amazon. I'm fascinated by not only Amazon's history, but its business model How it's continually innovating.  an avid consumer on the platform both with Amazon Prime media and just the shopping in e-commerce experience and I love learning [00:02:30] all the behind-the-scenes and I think Jason does a really fantastic job.

[00:02:34]Of balancing, maybe the Amazon for good and the Amazon maybe not. So good.  It's just eight episodes so you can probably listen to it the course of a week and it's capped at the end with an interview that Jason did with another one of my [00:03:00] favorite kind of thought leaders out there and content producers Scott Galloway.
[00:03:06]it's a really great discussion that ends the series.

Again, I would love to know what podcast series you've enjoyed that have taught you something maybe outside of your domain or taught you something about what you do that. Maybe you hadn't thought of before. Thank you so much for sharing all of your tips and tricks with me [00:03:30] over the past few days.

[00:03:31]You can continue to do so by just texting me or leaving me a message at 917.971.3737. Thanks for sharing.

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