Let's Get 1% Better Together

Why this podcast exists.
[00:00:00]Chad: Hey, Chad here coming to you over the digital Airwaves on this podcast one percent better. You might be wondering why one percent better. It was not that long ago that I came across [00:00:20] a visual just a chart with time on the x-axis and results on the y-axis. And the idea is really just demonstrating the power of tiny incremental gains.

[00:00:37] And if you get 1% better [00:00:40] every day for 365 days at the end of the year. You'll be almost 38 times better than where you started and you know, for those of you who know about compound interest and and you know, working with [00:01:00] exponential growth in that way. This shouldn't come as a surprise to you, but I think for me it's comforting to know that if we.

[00:01:11] Just focused on getting a little bit better every single day did that's actually easier and more achievable 

[00:01:20] than if we try to go 10x in just one day or in one week or even in in one month or one quarter. And this is really just kind of a hack for myself I know oftentimes we think progress should be linear like okay.

[00:01:39] Well, I'm [00:01:40] I'm getting better and better and better, you know at this particular skill or. To achieve this but it's actually a very very slow start like that curve at the beginning of that charts very flat and it takes actually quite some time for it to start going up. But if we [00:02:00] just show up every single day then you know in the latter half of that chart its kind of explosive growth and so really my aim here is just to sit in this chair.

[00:02:13] And share with you what I'm doing to get 1% better every day. And so you [00:02:20] can expect things like new books that I'm reading pieces of media that I'm discovering maybe online courses also, you know skills and techniques that I'm picking up going to different meetups or workshops. Cool Tools that I've discovered hat tip to Kevin Kelley and his Cool Tools [00:02:40] blog and podcast and potentially even interviewing others to learn from them as well.

[00:02:47] So I'm going to be experimenting with the format here. Thanks for coming along for the ride, and I hope to see you on the next one.
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