Inspiration to get 1% Better Every Day

Sources of inspiration for this community and podcast.
[00:00:02] Chad: Hey there, Chad coming to you over the digital airwaves on this podcast one percent better. Thanks for joining me on the first quote unquote real episode where I really just wanted to give credit to James clear. The author blogger [00:00:20] that really crystallized this idea of one percent better for me. So if you just search one percent better.

[00:00:27] James Clear, you'll find his blog as well as some diagrams that really just made this hit home for me. And I think I've read a couple of James's other books [00:00:40] and it didn't really click for me until this idea of personal productivity and personal development. Kind of merged with what I'm doing in business in this idea of continuous Improvement and lean Lean Startup [00:01:00] where those two ideas just kind of collided for me in this diagram, which I'll put in the show notes and I was like, well, of course if we're helping clients achieve these breakthrough results through continuous Improvement in all ways.

[00:01:17] Build measuring and learning from [00:01:20] running different experiments inside of the business. Well, why can't we do it in our personal lives? So whether that's training for particular athletic pursuit or even just developing our minds as we're learning new skills and in learning, [00:01:40] you know Gathering as much knowledge as we can and.

[00:01:47] I've always struggled with citing really big hairy audacious goals, but often times they can seem really far out into the future [00:02:00] and people like James clear and others like James all teacher another person that inspired me with this idea of continuous improvement in incrementalism even over, you know vast leaps into the 
[00:02:20] unknown . So what I'm trying to do on this podcast is bring all of the different people that I have learned from focus it here to share it with you and the hope is that both by me going out and sourcing all of. Interesting information and ways that we can [00:02:40] grow both professionally and personally, but that's helping me get 1% better every day.

[00:02:46] But I also want to share that with you and my friends colleagues maybe even strangers across the globe again as we're committing to one another to get 1% better every day.  And I want to be really clear [00:03:00] that. This is this is by no means just my show. I'm really interested in what you The Listener both are learning and want to learn and how you're also going on this journey of one getting one percent better every day.

[00:03:19] And I have a [00:03:20] friend that has committed to doing a drawing every single day. In order to improve his drawing skills both can professionally as an architect and designer but as well as personally, you know doing things like sketching an illustration of [00:03:40] different characters, maybe for like a graphic novel that he wants to create.
[00:03:45] So by no means is this just a show for myself. I really want to foster a community of people that are. Committed to getting one percent every day. So I just wanted to say [00:04:00] thank you for coming along this. Thank you for coming along this journey with me and I'm going to keep the call-to-action pretty simple.

[00:04:10] You can actually just text me at 917.971.3737 comes right to my phone and I would [00:04:20] just love to hear from you like what you're doing to get 1% better every day. So again thanks to James clear for inspiring me to create this and so I would encourage you to not only check out that blog post, but he's gotten several different books one called Atomic [00:04:40] habits.

[00:04:40] And out how to how to build habits and a cool little notebook as well as so many blog posts and articles about how to get the one one percent better everyday, but also many other kind of personal productivity tips [00:05:00] tricks and hacks. So that is the very first episode of one percent better every day and I'll see you tomorrow.
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