In-Depth Military History with the Hardcore History Podcast

One of my top 5 favorite podcasts currently out there that provides in-depth accounts on some of the most interesting periods of history. Thank you for sharing with the community how you're getting 1% Better. Get in touch at 917.971.3737.
011 - Hardcore History - 200115

[00:00:00] Chad:   Chad here coming to you over the digital Airwaves on the 1% Better Podcast.

[00:00:09] I hope you don't mind me coming here to share and recommend other podcasts to listen to. It is one of my absolute favorite ways of not only learning. But it's the reason why I'm here sharing with you on this podcast. I think sharing and teaching is the [00:00:30] best way for me to learn. So it's a real thrill for me to share with you.

[00:00:34] All of the learning resources methodologies tools hacks tips tricks Etc. And I can't decide if this is my absolute favorite podcast, but it's definitely in my top. I would say. Five podcasts of all time and I know it's one of the most popular in the world based downloads in that's Dan Carlin's podcast [00:01:00] hardcore history.

[00:01:01] Each episode is at least 3 hours long some of them go on for as long as five hours. That's pretty much an entire audiobook in just one episode in most of the series that he does are between three to six or seven episodes. And

[00:01:19] what Dan delivers is the most in-depth researched with first-second third-hand accounts, from some [00:01:30] of history's most interesting and complex time periods. So he has turned his research mind and excellent podcasting voice to everything from the death of the Roman Republic to the rise of Genghis Khan to the Eastern Front during World War II and most recently the [00:02:00] beginnings of World War 1 and the rise of imperialist Japan before World War Two.

[00:02:09] Now I know that this has a bit of a militaristic bent, but even if you're just tangentially interested in any of these time periods, you have to listen to these episodes. He must read at least two dozen books on each of these subjects [00:02:30] because he brings these accounts and reads them in the podcast. You know taking us right into that moment sharing, you know letters and communications between soldiers or between world leaders and

[00:02:44] I can't convey to you how intricately researched and well-crafted Dan's storytelling is in each of these eras.

[00:02:54] I’m only kind of partially interested in military history, but I think [00:03:00] Dan makes it so compelling and tell such a rich story from all angles that I think

[00:03:08] picking one of these topics most interesting to you and giving the first episode of try is definitely worth it. If you really enjoy the podcast, I know that Dan has the back catalog available for the price of a typical audiobook, but he releases the newest and latest episodes for free in the podcast feed.

[00:03:28] So subscribe now [00:03:30] so that you can get those episodes for free and if you enjoy them you can buy some of the back episodes.

[00:03:36] Dan publishes these episodes maybe once a month sometimes once every three months. That just tells you how much research and painstakingly detailed his processes for writing and recording these episodes is. Again, if you have any interest in the time periods of World War 1 or World War II the [00:04:00] Roman Republic the Punic Wars.

[00:04:01] There’s so many different eras that he's turned his attention to and absolutely all of them are worth listening.

[00:04:10] After you've checked out an episode or two. I'm curious what your thoughts are and if there's any other podcasts or audiobooks that you feel like do as good of or better of a job telling the story of these particular time periods. You can get in touch it nine one seven nine seven one three seven [00:04:30] three seven and thank you so much for sharing.


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