Get Better Accountability (and a Coach!) with Walden

A key resource for me to keep on shipping.
[00:00:02] Chad: Hey Chad here on the 1% better podcast coming to you over the digital Airwaves. I want to give a shout out and thank you to a team a product a service that has been very [00:00:20] instrumental for me in. Not only committing to be one percent better, but actually holding me accountable to becoming one percent better.
[00:00:29] I would not be coming to you on this podcast if it were not for them. And so I'm giving this shout out to Walden or if you go to [00:00:40] Hello, h-e-l-l-o. Wa lden. It's a really great service where  you sign up and they will help you stay and get organized to launch your next big thing.

[00:00:55] So, of course for me this podcast was kind of my [00:01:00] next big thing and I've been working with Madeline the founder and the team at Walden for several months now and they've been instrumental in helping keep me on track to becoming one percent better. Every day   the way it works is they match you with a coach and like unlimited [00:01:20] text access to this coach that can help you set your goals figure out the Milestones that you need to achieve to reach those goals, and then they'll check in with you.
[00:01:34] So you can do a call with them to kind of get to know one another and then share your [00:01:40] goals and then that call Wreckers, you know, like on a monthly or quarterly basis, and but the coolest part is like the texting in the chatting because essentially at the same time every day, I get a message. From Walden reminding me like hey Chad.

[00:01:59] We're looking [00:02:00] forward to hearing from you tomorrow on the 1% better podcast and it's just like this. reminder that hey, you know, I've got listeners and people that are expecting to hear from me and it's like really just a kick in the ass to to get things done.  

[00:02:18] I [00:02:20] cannot tell you how invaluable that accountability has been to me. Again. It's the reason that I'm sitting here now recording this episode is really the follow-up from the team at Walden and they can help you come up with ideas. If you're not quite [00:02:40] sure which project. That you should work on right now or the help you kind of manage tasks across the different projects and there's some really cool kind of tracking features that will help.
[00:02:53] You know, if you're meeting your Milestones to dick to get to your goal. And again, if you've got [00:03:00] a if you've got a project that has been a side project maybe for a little too long and you want to make it. A main project. I cannot recommend this service enough. I think they have a free trial going right now.

[00:03:16] And for what you get, it's [00:03:20] super super valuable you get unlimited messaging you get the project plans you get, you know, the the coaching calls for those of you that are like. Super busy or have lots of projects, you know, they have a plan where you can get like I [00:03:40] think up to four calls with your coach the coaches that they have signed up our Bar None, you know, I'm I'm lucky enough to be connected to and working with the founder Madeline, but they've got.

[00:03:55] Coaches from the startup world that have been founders of [00:04:00] really successful companies. They've got lots of creatives they can help you with things like podcasting others that you know where Ted speakers that can help you craft your public speeches and so many more. I think when I started there was just maybe one coach now.

[00:04:18] I think there's almost a [00:04:20] dozen. So again, I just want to give a huge shout out and thank you to Madeline. I would not be doing this without you and hey, they have a 7-Day free trial.

[00:04:31] I would encourage each of you to check them out and see if they might be the key to helping you unlock getting one percent better every [00:04:40] day.
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