Edit audio as easy as Google Docs w/ Descript

In this episode, I share how my podcast workflow has sped up over 100% using the Descript app. I'd love to hear about your own podcast workflows.
Edit audio as easy as Google Docs w/ Descript
 [00:00:00]Chad: Hey, Chad here coming to you over the digital airwaves on the 1% better podcast. 
[00:00:11] I've been recording all of these podcasts into a program called Descript. You can go to Descript.com and I'll just let you watch the homepage video. Uh, it will tell you everything you need to know and really, I think sell you on the product. Descript is a [00:00:30] program for Windows and Mac that allows you to record straight into the program. It will create a live transcription of what you and your other co-hosts are saying, and then it gives you a Google Docs like editing interface so that instead of messing with an audio program like Audition or Audacity, um, you can edit audio as if you were just simply editing a [00:01:00] Google Doc. And I think using Descript has cut down my audio production time at least by half, maybe even more than that. It's amazing to hit stop in the recording and and have, uh, already transcribed document that I can go in, um, cut and paste. I can eliminate filler words like all of the Ums and Ahs, which, uh, you probably won't hear in the rest of this episode because it automatically has [00:01:30] deleted them. 

[00:01:32] And you can also add in uh, music, other tracks, and you can record multiple people, uh, into the system at a time if you've got multiple microphone setups. um, 
[00:01:43] Another favorite feature of Descript is how easy it is to get captions. For all of your podcasts and videos as well, so those of you publishing video content that want to have captions for folks that don't have their audio on when they're scrolling by your videos in their in [00:02:00] their feeds. Descript makes it super easy to attach those caption files for your videos as well. 

[00:02:09]Because Descript is doing the transcription for you. You can even put the full transcripts into your podcast show notes, um, for those of you that want to make it SEO or search friendly. 

[00:02:23] There's a free version of Descript that allows you to record and transcribe up to three hours of content and I'm one of their paid users. Uh, Can't recommend it highly enough. 

[00:02:35] For those of you interested in experimenting with podcasting. I don't think there's any more excuses, uh, for it being too hard. Descript makes it extremely easy to go from hitting record to publishing. I'm able to get these episodes out in less than 20 minutes, including the recording time, which I think is absolutely incredible.

[00:02:56] For all of you fellow podcasters. I'm curious how you've [00:03:00] improved your workflow . Either an increasing their production quality, uh, cutting down on the time to publish and, uh, maybe tips, tricks and tools that that you found helpful. You can get in touch directly at nine, one, seven, seven, one, nine, three, seven, three, seven, leave me a voice message or a text. 

[00:03:20] And let me know how you've gotten 1% better in in your podcasting until next time. 
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