Be an Email Hero with Superhuman

A great email plugin that saves me hours with cleaning and organizing my email inbox. What it is, what it can do for you, and how you can get it. Thank you for sharing with the community how you're getting 1% Better. Get in touch at 917.971.3737.
[00:00:04] Chad: Hi, Chad here coming to you over the digital airwaves on the 1% Better podcast.

[00:00:11] An app that I've been using for the past two months has really improved my email game. So, I don't know how much time all of you spend in your email inboxes, but it often takes up much of my mornings. I'm an inbox zero practitioner, [00:00:30] have been for a number of years, and I'm always looking for ways to get to inbox zero faster.

[00:00:40] I had been using Gmail for this but my cousin Nick, shout out to you, shared a tool with me that's improved my email game at least 5x probably even 10x and that tool is Superhuman.  Superhuman is developed by the [00:01:00] same people that had that really cool LinkedIn social profile plug-in for Gmail called Rapportive and they've been sort of in stealth mode for a long time and you actually need an invitation from an existing user to even get an account which is why I had to ask my cousin Nick to hook me up. But it is a subscription. So, you might think, well Gmail's free, and my work gives me Outlook, why do I need, [00:01:30] you know, to pay for an email app?

[00:01:32] Well, the ease of use, the keyboard shortcuts, and all of the just nice simple easeful touches that they put into the app, I think are more than worth it. I've improved my email processing at least by 5x so I know that I'm saving at least a few hours a week in email,

[00:01:53] and so it's more than worth the $30.  

[00:01:57] I think the killer features of [00:02:00] Superhuman are, the keyboard shortcuts, and the Superhuman menu, or kind of quick access menu, which makes it really easy to pull up and run any of the commands or tasks that you're trying to do in your email inbox. You can also break out your inbox into kind of sub inboxes.

[00:02:22] Now, I know Gmail did this like with its Promotions and Important inboxes, but you didn't really have any control or choice over how [00:02:30] Gmail did that for you. In Superhuman you can set up custom filters to not only filter out like news and other promotional emails, but you can even create like a team

[00:02:40] inbox, that's just for people emailing you from your company's domain. You can set up a VIP inbox for important clients or customers. And essentially the number of inboxes you can create are limitless. You just create a search filter and boom; you can create a new [00:03:00] email inbox.  Just hitting the Tab Key will take you through each of the inboxes and then again using keyboard shortcuts, that'll be familiar to most Gmail users, you can go through and process your inbox at blazing speed. A very important part of my email processing and inbox zero method is to delay or push into the future messages that I can't or don't want to act on or respond to immediately. Superhuman has the [00:03:30] best Remind Me feature out of any app that I've ever used, and I've used a lot.

[00:03:35] You can use natural language to hit the keyboard shortcut and say remind me in two weeks or remind me next Thursday or remind me in 10 days or remind me on January 1st. And what it'll do is bring that email back to you, if there's been no response before that date. And so, this allows me to send emails

[00:03:59] to [00:04:00] customers or clients asking for a piece of information or asking, you know for a signed contract. If I haven't heard from them in three or four days, it automatically brings it right back to me and remind me. So,

[00:04:11] this Remind Me feature is more than worth the price of entry.

[00:04:15] Not only can you snooze messages to come back into your inbox, you can schedule emails to send out later. So often what I will do is write an email, you know after business hours, but I don't necessarily want to be sending an email [00:04:30] to someone at nine ten or even midnight. So, what you can do is just write the email.

[00:04:35] And then schedule it to go out first thing the next morning and your recipient is none the wiser of you actually wrote that email at 1:00 in the morning.

[00:04:43]One thing that I often will do is when I schedule a meeting with someone, I will write and schedule for sending later an email that goes to them the day beforehand saying "Just wanted to confirm that we're still good to meet." There's a really fantastic [00:05:00] onboarding email series that you get, I'm still getting them two months later, where Rahul the founder just shares one easy tip with you every single day and I've been getting faster and faster in my use of the app and learning even more about the cool features that they're developing that are very, very unique amongst all the email apps that I've used.

[00:05:24] As I mentioned before Superhuman is still invitation only. So, if you'd like to get an [00:05:30] account, just text me nine one seven nine, seven one three seven three seven and I'll put you in touch with the onboarding team. They schedule a 30-minute call with you to go through your email process. And they walk you through the app and set up workflows that will be most beneficial to you.

[00:05:47] I hope you find Superhuman as useful to you as it has been to me. I'm curious what other email apps or plugins are crucial to your email workflow and how you've made [00:06:00] email 1% better or more. Again, you can share that at nine one seven nine seven one three seven three seven and thank you so much for sharing.

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